Ferry Boat
項目 | 航段 | 票價 |
蘇澳-花蓮船票 |
經濟艙成人/兒童 | 單程 | 700/500 |
商務艙成人/兒童 | 單程 | 1,000/700 |
頭等艙成人/兒童 | 單程 | 1,500/1,100 |
載運交通工具 |
自行車 | 單程 | 100 |
機車 | 單程 | 300 |
重型機車 | 單程 | 500 |
自小客車 | 單程 | 1,500 |
- 開航時間:蘇澳港開航:10:00 花蓮港開航:16:30
- 每周五、六、日開航以上航班計劃當天往返,具體航班安排以氣象條件允許為準。
- 報到時間:開船前90分鐘開始辦理報到手續。開船前30分鐘停止辦理報到手續,逾時不候。
- 旅客憑本人有效證件購買船票,船票只限旅客本人使用,不得轉讓或塗改。船票只在所記載的航班、乘船時間、艙位內有效。
代理旅行社聯絡窗口 | 區域 | 訂購專線 |
安麗達旅行社 | 台北 | 02-2517-9111 |
東南旅行社 | 全省 | 412-8688(手機請加02) |
華泰旅遊 | 全省 | 02-2509-4888分機:#802 |
天海旅行社 | 台北 | 02-2515-6565 |
台中 | 04-2329-4120 |
- 國道5號於蘇澳交流道下,續接台9線進入蘇澳市區;或續往南方澳方向約十分鐘抵達南方澳。
- 沿台9線,經羅東抵達蘇澳,進入市區;或續依指標前往南方澳。
- 沿台2線向南行,進入蘇澳後可於蘇東北路右轉蘇東中路,過白米橋後進入中山路一段。或可沿台2線續行至江夏路,可抵南方澳遊客中心。
- 葛瑪蘭客運 (台北轉運站/科技大樓站/板橋轉運站) 班次表到羅東轉運站轉搭國光客運1766(頭城-南方澳 30分/班)在進安宮站下車。
- 蘇澳火車站搭乖國光客運1766(頭城-南方澳 30分/班) 或是搭武荖坑風景區-豆腐峽風景區的接駁車到進安宮站下車。
Item | trip | Price NT$ (Adult/Child) |
Su-ao (蘇澳) to Hualien(花蓮) |
Economy class | One way | 700/500 |
Business class | One way | 1,000/700 |
First class | One way | 1,500/1,100 |
Vehicle shipment |
Bicycle | One way | 100 |
Motorbike | One way | 300 |
Motorcycle | One way | 500 |
Car / Sedan | One way | 1,500 |
- On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays there is a ferry with a round-trip transportation between Su'ao and Hualien. Departure times: Su'ao port: 10:00; Hualien port : 16:30
- The departure time may be changed due to the weather conditions.
- Please check-in 90 minutes prior to the departure time. The check-in closes 30 minutes before the departure time
- A ticket is only available for the passengers who bought it. It cannot be transferred to another person. Moreover, it only can be used on the day mentioned on the ticket
Travel agency | Service area | Order line |
Ardtravel | Taipei | 02-2517-9111 |
Settour | All Taiwan | 412-8688(cellphone please add 02) |
Gloria touk | All Taiwan | 02-2509-4888 Ext: #802 |
Tourking | Taipei | 02-2515-6565 |
Taichung | 04-2329-4120 |
How to go to boarding pier for Natchan Rera「麗娜輪」in Su'ao
By private transport
- Take Freeway 5 to Highway 9 in Su-ao city(蘇澳). Or Keep following the direction for about 10 minutes to South Su-an(南方澳).
- Take Highway 9 to Su-ao city(蘇澳). Or Keep following the direction for about 10 minutes to South Su-an(南方澳).
- Take Highway 2 to Su-ao city(蘇澳). From Su Dong North Road(蘇東北路) turn right onto Su Dong Middle road(蘇東中路). Continue onto the first section with Zhong-shan road (中山路一段), or take Highway 2 to Jiang-xia road(江夏路). Continue to South Su-an Tour Center(南方澳遊客中心).
By public transport
- Kamalan Bus: Take the bus from Taipei bus station(台北轉運站)/MRT Technology building station(科技大樓站)/Banqiao intercity bus station (板橋轉運站) to Luo Dong transfer station(羅東轉運站). Then, take Kuo-kuang bus(國光客運) №1766 (Toucheng(頭城)-South su-ao(南方澳), the bus goes every 30 minutes ) to Jinan-gong station(進安宮站).
- Take Kuo-kuang bus(國光客運) №1766 (Toucheng(頭城)-South su-ao(南方澳),the bus goes every 30 30 minutes per bus) from Su-an train station to Jinan-gong station(進安宮站) or take the shuttle bus(Wu-Lao mountain stream(武荖坑風景區)-Tofu-xia mountain stream(豆腐峽風景區)) to Jinan-gong station(進安宮站).